£120.00 GBP

Terms & Conditions for Islamic Council – Events

The following terms and conditions apply to delegates that book onto events, seminars, training workshops and conferences delivered by any company that is part of the ourselves.

1.         Non attendance

1.1       If you are unable to attend, you may send a substitute at no extra cost, provided that you notify us of the change at least 5 working days prior to the event.

1.2       If you fail to notify us of the change we will charge for an additional place.

1.3       In the event of non attendance you will be liable for the full cost of the place.

2.         Cancellation charges will apply

2.1       Up until 1 week prior to the event, 50% of the booking cost will apply.

2.2       Within 7 days prior to the event, 100% of the booking cost will apply.

3.        Shared Logins

3.1.     The use of shared logins for our events is strictly prohibited to ensure the security and integrity of participant accounts.

4.         Payment Terms

4.1       Payment terms are stated on your invoice. Where payment has not been made by the time of the event the place will be cancelled but the full booking cost will remain due.

5.         Photography

5.1       Islamic Council may arrange for photographs and/or video footage to be taken at events and used for promotional purposes.  This may include printed documents or media, editorial coverage, advertising press and use on the internet.

5.2       Attendees who do not wish for their image to be used in this manner must notify us prior to the event.

5.3       Please note online sessions are recorded and will be available after the live delivery.  While participation in the live session is optional, do note that your participation will become part of the recording, you can control whether or not your camera is on during this time.

6.         Data Protection 

6.1       By submitting registration details, attendees agree to allow Islamic Council and companies associated with the event to contact you as required for the organisation and administration of the event.

7.        Events beyond our control

7.1       If the event is cancelled due to circumstances beyond our control, the full cost of the place will be refunded.

7.2       However, Islamic Council will not be liable for any other costs incurred by delegates.

7.3       Speakers or course instructors may be subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances

8.        Special Dietary Requirements

8.1      Attendees must inform event organisers of any special dietary requirements (e.g. allergies).

Contact details:

Any questions or notifications should be directed to the Islamic Council's events team: [email protected]

Marital Intimacy 2024 - Couples Ticket

Approach sensitive topics related to marriage through scholarly guidance.

[For Singles Ticket please click here]

Please note this ticket is only open to MARRIED couples or those about to be married. 

Course Details:

  • Begins Monday 1st July 2024
  • All sessions begin at 8pm (BST)
  • Online via Zoom 

Course Instructors:

  • Shaykh Shaqur Rehman
  • Shaykh Farid Haibatan
  • Shaykh Dr Haitham Al-Haddad
  • Ustadha Rahma Abdul-Latif

Course Content:

  • Interactive Sessions
  • Real Life Examples
  • Discussions
  • Activities and Group Work
  • ​Separate Brothers' and Sisters' Sessions
  • Question & Answer
  • Anonymous Attendance (only instructor and admin will see your name)

Course Calendar:

  • Session 1: Introduction to Intimacy - Mon 1st July 2024
  • Session 2: Understanding the Other Side - Wed 3rd July 2024
  • Session 3: Fiqh of Intimacy - Mon 8th July
  • Session 4: How to Please Your Spouse - Wed 10th July
  • Session 5: Common Complaints and Sex Drive Killers - Mon 15th July